- About us
- Associations of DPG
- Activities and Programs
- Become active yourself
- Quanten2025 – ein Jahr für die Quantenphysik
- Meetings
- DPG-Frühjahrstagungen (Spring Meetings)
- DPG-Herbsttagungen (Fall Meetings)
- Tagung Forschung-Entwicklung-Innovation (Conference Research Development Innovation)
- Fachleitertagung der DPG (DPG's conference of subject leaders)
- DPG Pupils' Conference
- Praktikumsleitertagung (Conference for internship leaders)
- Deutsche Physikerinnentagung (German Conference of Women in Physics)
- Climate Symposium
- DPG Akademie
- Support , further education and training programmes
- WEH funding programme for conference participation
- Physics for pupils
- Online Mathematics Bridge Course
- DPG teacher training
- fobi-Ф: DPG programme for the promotion of teacher training
- Laboratory visiting program
- DPG Mentoring Programme
- Bad Honnef Physics Schools
- Leading for tomorrow
- DPG-Kolleg
- Weekend seminars Physicists at work
- Netzwerk Teilchenwelt
- RISE: „Research Internships in Science and Engineering“
- Laboratory visiting program
- Lecture series
- Competitions
- Science festivals and shows
- Other activities and programmes
- Archive of past activities and programmes
- Events
- Awards
- Current tenders
- Nomination form DPG Awards
- Overview of all award years
- Honours of the DPG
- DPG Awards
- Max-Planck-Medal
- Stern-Gerlach-Medaille
- Walter-Schottky-Preis
- Gaede-Preis
- Gustav-Hertz-Preis
- Robert-Wichard-Pohl-Preis
- Medaille für naturwissenschaftliche Publizistik
- Hertha-Sponer-Preis
- Georg-Simon-Ohm-Preis
- Georg-Kerschensteiner-Preis
- DPG-Lehrerpreis
- DPG-Technologietransferpreis
- Schülerinnen- und Schülerpreis
- DPG-Abiturpreis
- DPG-Preise mit anderen Organisationen
- Preise der DPG-Vereinigungen
- Auszeichnungen mit DPG-Beteiligung
- Publications