Application Leading For Tomorrow

Please complete the questionnaire below to apply for the DPG ‘Leading for Tomorrow’ programme. Only fully completed questionnaires will be considered! Please also note the information provided in the questionnaire.

The information marked with an * is mandatory.

Data collection for Leading for Tomorrow

Letter of motivation:

Important information on the letter of motivation

The letter of motivation is the decisive criterion for admission to the DPG Leading for Tomorrow programme. Here are some guidelines for writing the letter of motivation:


  • The letter of motivation must be written in English. (If you want to apply for the programme in German language, please apply here).
  • It must not contain more than 2500 characters!
  • Specific personal details (e.g. name, address, etc.) must not appear in the letter of motivation, as this data will be processed anonymously!
  • Salutation and greeting forms are not necessary.


In the letter of motivation, you describe your expectations of the Leading for Tomorrow programme and formulate goals that you want to achieve during the programme with regard to the development of your leadership personality. Explain how you would like to benefit from the programme in this respect.

In addition, the letter of motivation should give you the opportunity to briefly describe your personality and explain which characteristics you would like to work on as part of the Leading for Tomorrow programme. These qualities can be both strengths and weaknesses, which you should name and reflect on in relation to your leadership qualities. In contrast to a traditional letter of application, you should also outline your current shortcomings or weaknesses in this letter of motivation.

What it should not be

The letter of motivation should not reproduce your previous career. Please describe this in your CV, which will be uploaded as part of your application. It is also not about your research or physics know-how. We want to clarify at this point, that this is not a classic letter of application in which you merely highlight your skills and advantages.

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