Online Mathematics Bridge Course
The DPG is a partner in the Online Mathematik Brückenkurs (OMB+), an online mathematics bridge course which enables schoolchildren to repeat mathematics in compact form. The OMB+ gives an impression of the level of mathematics required for physics studies and enables targeted and early preparation for university studies.
⇒ Website of the Online Mathematics Bridge Course OMB+
At the beginning of physics studies, mathematics is often a certain hurdle. With the OMB+, students interested in studying physics can test their mathematics knowledge and repeat the mathematics school material in compact form. The OMB+ enables targeted and early preparation for physics studies. The OMB+ was initially developed by a consortium of 13 German universities (today significantly more are involved); the DPG and also the Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik (Conference of Physics Departments) were involved from the very beginning. The DPG is a partner of the OMB+ and supports it. It recommends the OMB+ above all to prospective physics students, who can use it to test and refresh their knowledge of mathematics.