WE Heraeus Communication Programme for participation at "Large International Conferences"

Young generation scientists are one of the main target groups the activities of the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Foundation are addressed to. Therefore, in 1989, the foundation together with the DPG established a program that gives young physicists in an early period of their scientific career (Master, Diplom or PhD thesis) the opportunity to present their own scientific results to a censorious audience.

Within this programme the active participation at "large international conferences", which take place in Germany, is financially supported.

"Large international conferences" last several days, feature more than 100 participants and are usually part of a series of correspondent conferences.

Criteria for applicants

If …

  • you are a personal member of DPG,
  • you are a conference participant with an age up to 35 years*,
  • your DPG membership account is balanced,
  • your centre of living or work is located in Germany,
  • you have not completed your doctorate or rather you are a postdoc up to 3 years after your doctor's degree,
  • you do get not financial support (either totally or partly) from your university or academic institution for conference participation and
  • you are author or co-author of a conference contribution (talk or a poster) which was submitted and has been accepted by the administration of the conference (Funding is possible only for one participation per contribution!),

*For funding in 2024, this means that DPG members born in 1988 or after are eligible to apply for finacial support.


… then you can apply for a grant by taking four steps:

  1. Contact the conference organisation of the respectiv conference. They have to submit a written application for support of the conference to the DPG Head Office until 3 months before the conference starts, at the latest. In case of a commitment by DPG to support the conference, you can apply for a grant.
  2. Abstract submission at the respectiv conference
  3. Participants registration at the respectiv conference
  4. Fill in the WEH form and submit it, together with a copy of your abstract submission’s confirmation, by email or mail – until 6 weeks before the conference starts, at the latest to the DPG Head Office.

Applications coming in after this date cannot be taken into consideration.

The WEH forms for application are available at the end of this page.

And then?

Your application will be formally checked by the DPG Head Office and you will receive a confirmation note (application acceptance/rejection) within a few working days by email.

Conference participation

At the conference you should receive a confirmation of attendance and a payment receipt of the conference fee.


Please send – no later than 6 weeks after the end of the conference – all the documents that you would like to charge (e.g. certificate of attendance, receipt for the conference fee, train or flight ticket, hotel bill) in original by mail to the DPG Head Office.

The following lump sums count for the conferences:

  • Conference fee (early bird fee only, if applicable)
  • Costs per overnight stay: 20,00 Euro per overnight stay – according to your attendance; maximum up to 6 nights, if no overnight stay is included in the conference fee. For distances less than 70 km, the overnight fee does not apply, since it is assumed that you stayed at home.
  • Daily allowance: 24,00 Euro per day – according to your attendance; maximum up to 7 days, if no food is included in the conference fee.
  • Travel expenses: The actual travel expenses or if you arrive by car 0,18 EUR for each distance kilometre (round-trip) between conference location and university location. Only travelling costs within Germany can be refunded.

If the conference takes place at your university town, only the registration fee is subsidized because it is assumed that you ate and slept at home.

Based on the above mentioned lump sums, the total eligible costs of your trip will be determined. Your grant will amount max. 50% of these costs.

The payment of the grant follows – after prior notification by email – about 7 weeks after the end of the conference by wire transfer to the bank account you mentioned in your application.

In case of additional reimbursement of expenses by another institution, the applicants already bind themselves in their application to inform the reimbursing institution about the amount of the reimbursement by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Communication Programme of the DPG.


Beatrice Hensel
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Head Office
Hauptstr. 5
53604 Bad Honnef

Tel. +49 (2224) 9232-10

WEH Forms for application for the DPG Workshops