Highly Charged Ions and Antiprotons: Atomic Physics, Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
WE-Heraeus-Physics School
- Date:
- Sa, 05.04.2008 00:00 – Fr, 11.04.2008 00:00
- Speaker:
- J. Walz, U Mainz; T. Stöhlker, GSI Darmstadt; W. Quint, GSI Darmstadt; H. Bräuning, GSI Darmstadt
- Address:
- Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
- Language:
- English
- Event partner:
- Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus – Physics School
Highly Charged Ions and Antiprotons
Atomic physics, fundamental symmetries and interactions
April 4-12, 2008 – Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention to our WE Heraeus Physics School ' Highly Charged Ions
and Antiprotons - Atomic physics, fundamental symmetries and interactions', which will be held
April 4-12, 2008 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.
The future accelerator facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) in Darmstadt,
Germany, opens many new exciting possibilities in experimental atomic physics and related
fields. The facility will not only supply beams of highly relativistic, highly charged heavy ions,
but also beams of antiprotons with unprecedented intensities. This gives unique opportunities to
test our most basic understanding of nature, like the standard model of particle physics (e.g. CPTinvariance)
or QED in strong electromagnetic fields.
The physics school will give a comprehensive overview of the current state of atomic physics
with heavy, highly charged ions and antiprotons as well as related fields like antimatter and
gravitation. Future research programs at FAIR in the field of atomic physics with highly-charged
ions (the SPARC-collaboration http://www.gsi.de/sparc) and with antiprotons (the FLAIR
collaboration http://www.gsi.de/flair ) will be presented.
Topics include:
• Storage Rings and Traps
• Highly Charged Ions and Quantum Electrodynamics
• Antiprotons and Antihydrogen
• Gravity and Antimatter
Invited speakers:
• G. Baur, Forschungszentrum Jülich
• F. Bosch, GSI Darmstadt
• G. Gabrielse, Harvard University
• P. Indelicato, ENS Paris
• M. deKieviet, Heidelberg University
• C. Lämmerzahl, Bremen University
• R. Lehnert, MIT
• R. Schuch, Stockholm University
• J. Ullrich, MPIK Heidelberg
• E. Widmann, Adademie der Wissenschaften Wien
• Y. Yamazaki, Tokyo University