Final POLATOM Conference and School

Mo, 22.06.2015 09:00  –   Mi, 24.06.2015 12:30
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany

Universität Frankfurt am Main
Marie-Hélène Haußels,


POLATOM 2015 is the final meeting of an ESF Research Network devoted to the physics of quantum gases of microcavity polaritons and ultra-cold atoms. It will take place at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany. It consists of a School for about 35 younger research scientists with lectures, followed by a regular conference for max. 90 scientists. Similar meetings have been held in Cambridge, United Kingdom (2012) and in Crete, Greece (2011).

The meeting will in particular encourage discussions and exchanges of the two groups of researches working on quantum condensed ultra cold atoms and microcavity polaritons, respectively.

We expect contributions to e.g.

Topological defects (e.g. solitons, vortices) in Bose-Einstein condensed systems
Quantum coherence in low dimensional quantum confined systems
Superfluidity, spontaneous structure formation
Non-equilibrium effects
Strong correlations
New nano-devices based on quantum coherence