ONLINE: Around the World ERASMUS Edition

Erasmus students from Italy and Germany share their experiences

Video Conference
Mo, 01.02.2021 20:00  –   Mo, 01.02.2021 21:00
At home

Event partner:
AISF - Associazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica
Contact person:
Rebecca Hoffmann,
DPG Association:
Working Group "Young DPG" (jDPG)  


Thinking about doing an ERASMUS semester? How to organize it? Is it even possible, safe, and worthwhile despite the pandemic?
Join us on the 1st of February at 20:00 when Erasmus students from Italy and Germany will share their experiences about Erasmus during a pandemic and answer all your questions. We meet on Zoom while we are comfortably at home.
Interested? Send an Email to  and we will send you the Zoom link.