ONLINE: jDPG Seminar - "Physics Change Climate"

International online seminar about the physics of climate change

Fr, 28.05.2021 15:00  –   Sa, 29.05.2021 15:00
at home

Anmeldung erforderlich
Rebecca Hoffmann, David Pérez González,
Arbeitskreis junge DPG (AKjDPG)  


The registration for the full seminar is closed already, nevertheless you can still register for the talks on Friday using the registration form. 


What is actually the physics behind climate change? To what extent is it a global challenge? 
How does awareness of Climate Change differ in different countries?

Do you want to discuss all these questions? Then don't miss out on our seminar
"Physics change climate". Not only are we going to discuss these questions,
but we are also going to understand their implications. Experts will guide us
through these topics, but you, as a participant, can actively take part in the discussion.
People around the globe will be joining, be part of it! 

Share your questions, learn actual data to convince your family or friends about Climate
Change, enrich your network with people that share your concern for Climate Change.
Workshops, a Round Table, and a special social program (with surprises!) are waiting for you.

Preliminary schedule

Friday 28.05.

15:00-15:15              Welcome
15:15-16:30              Dirk Notz – When is all the sea ice gone?
16:30-17:00              Social break
17:00-18:15              Sebastian Hettrich - MiKlip–how a decadal climate forecasting system can
                                   contribute to the UN sustainable development goals
18:15-19:30              Social Activity: Pub Quiz

Saturday 29.05.

9:00-11:00                Workshop 1 (2)
11:00-11:30              Flexible break
11:30-13:30              Workshop 2 (1)
starting from 13:00 optional social program


More information will be published soon.