ONLINE Panel Discussion "Volatile Energy - how to solve the long-term storage problem?"

Th, 24.11.2022 18:00  –   Th, 24.11.2022 19:30
Prof. Christina Roth (Bayreuth), Nick Lawrence ( Ceres Power), Jihong Wang (Warwick), Achim Schadt (Fraunhofer Energiesysteme)

Registration required
Event partner:
Institute of Physics - IOP
Contact person:
Georg Düchs, , 02224923237
DPG Association:
Working Group on Energy (AKE)  
External Link:


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Die Podiumsdiskussion wird gemeinsam von der DPG und dem britischen Institute of Physics (IOP) veranstaltet



Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn (DPG, AK Energie)

Santanu Ray (IOP)


In Europe we are trying hard to manage the transition of the energy system towards a fossil free production driven by

  • the reduction of Greenhous gases, mainly CO2 and
  • to decrease the dependency of global resources.

What we need is a baseload capacity for electricity generation but what we mostly achieve is the volatile renewable power of solar and wind. Baseload energy has been generated since decades and centuries on coal, gas, oil, but that is what we want to fade out. Fossil free baseload production is using nuclear, geothermal, biomass, hydropower, tides and wave energy and other technologies. Huge installations offshore and onshore for wind power especially in the Northern Sea and the Atlantic meanwhile contribute to a remarkable extent. Solar PV and concentrated thermal solar power are mainly harvested in Southern Europe. So we are facing at least two major challenges:

  • Develop and install huge storage technologies and capacities to fill the time gaps between low wind periods and no sunshine
  • Distribution of energy across Europe from the well-suited sites for generation towards the regions where it is being needed

Storage and distribution need energy carriers such as power lines, batteries, thermal or chemical energy carriers. And these last options seem to be the most important solution for long-term storage and long-term transport. Using ‘green’ electricity to produce Hydrogen or synthetic Hydrocarbones by using the “C” and the “H2“ or to load thermal energy carriers seems to be a very valuable solution as many  pilotprojects in Europe and globally demonstrate.

The necessary chemical processes and thermal storage technologies are principally well understood but the ramping-up to a global scale has to come now. The panel discussion will focus on those technologies, including electrolysers and processes to gain progress.