For Students

Excited about molecules? Get in touch with us at the DPG Spring Meetings of the AMOP Section. Amongst molecular physicists and doctoral researchers, you can meet students and scientists from other fields of physics and beyond as well.


Further than scientific talks and poster sessions, the Division offers space for exchanging experiences, presenting experiments, simulations and calculations and to find direction for the future. Get inspired for your thesis, or even find a research group to collaborate with. Meet others who are passionate about molecules.

Is is possible to attend the conferences without a own presentation or poster.

The next spring meeting is too far ahead? Contact us.
Stay up to date about recent developments as a member of the Division. As a member of the German Physical Society, the membership in the Division is free of charge and can be easily declared online.
For bachelor, master and doctoral students, joining the young DPG is the ideal platform for connecting to other physics enthusiasts, organizing scientific events yourself and for making your ideas become reality.
A simultaneaos membership in the Molecular Physics Division and the young DPG is possible.