2024-06-20 Call for speakers and special symposia at the DPG spring meeting 2025

Request for proposals for plenary speakers, invited speakers, and special symposia at the DPG spring meeting 2024.

Dear Members of the DPG Division of Molecular Physics,

Please send me suggestions for special symposia and plenary speakers right away :-)

The preparations for the DPG spring meetings 2025 are picking up speed and at this time we invite you for suggestions for special symposia and invited speakers, both plenary speakers on Molecular Physics topics as well as topical speakers in the Molecular Physics program.

Suggestions from early-career members are very welcome!
For instance, proposing and chairing a special symposium provides you with a nice opportunity to contribute to the meeting, to shape it according to your interests, and to receive visibility and credit for it :-)

It would be great if you could send me an indicator of ideas for special symposia and plenary speakers right away, but we will then also need a short reasoning in due course.

Suggestions for plenary speakers should include the nomination, contact information, and a short description of the foreseen topic as well as a very short rationale why the speaker is the expert to talk about this at the DPG meeting.

Suggestions for special symposia at the next spring meeting should contain one paragraph motivating the symposium topic and a list of 4 suggested invited speakers. Note that special symposia are co-hosted by at least two divisions participating in the conference, in 2025 these are A, K, MO, MS, Q, QI. Optimally, you would prepare and submit the proposal with two organizers from two different participating division.

Moreover, please send your suggestions for invited topical speakers at the DPG spring meeting 2024 for the Molecular Physics program, again including a short motivation of the topic and also a brief reasoning for this specific speaker.

Best regards,
Jochen (Küpper)
Chair, DPG Division of Molecular Physics