EPL Poster Awards
of the DPG Biological Physics Divison
We are very happy to announce this year's poster prize winners and thank the EPL Journal, in particular the Executive Editor Dr. Graeme Watt (IOP Publishing), for their support! The prizes were elected during the poster sessions by the participants. The prizes were awarded by the chairman of the Biological Physics Section Helmut Grubmüller during the general assembly to:
Monday Poster Session
1st prize: Alexander Ohmann, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK) for his poster on "Influence of cholesterol tags on structural properties of artificial DNA nanopores": 350 Euro
2nd prize: Christian Bächer, Biofluid Simulation and Modeling Group, University of Bayreuth (DE) for his poster on "Cross-flow migration of drug delivery agents in constricted blood flow": 115 Euro
Wednesday Poster Session
1st prize: Nicolas Thewes, Saarland University Saarbrücken (DE) for his poster on "Stochastic binding of Staphylococcus aureus": 350 Euro
2nd prize: Gabriele Straass, 3rd Physics Institute, Georg August University Göttingen (DE) for her poster on "Mechanical coupling between the cytoskeleton and the nucleus": 115 Eur
2nd prize: Tobias Meinert, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg (DE) for his poster on "Confocal light-sheet microscopy - separation of ballistic and diffusive fluorescence photons": 115 Euro