Further links on topics around magnetism
The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) was established in 1922 in Brussels with 13 Member countries and the first General Assembly was held in 1923 in Paris.
- to stimulate and promote international cooperation in physics.
- to sponsor suitable international meetings and to assist organizing committees.
- to foster the preparation and the publication of abstracts of papers and tables of physical constants.
- to promote international agreements on other use of symbols, units, nomenclature and standards.
- to foster free circulation of scientists; to encourage research and education.
The purpose of the European Magnetism Association (EMA) is to promote the development of magnetism and magnetic materials in Europe, through rising the visibility and the impact of research on fundamental and applied magnetism. EMA acts as an umbrella organization for activities in magnetism in Europe, giving magnetism a strong voice in the concert of physical sciences.
- Education and training in the field of magnetism.
- Advancement in the understanding of magnetism, and dissemination of the results of magnetism research in Europe.
- Developments in magnetism-related applications.
- Promote links with companies active in magnetic materials and devices.
- The representation of the magnetism community in science policy related affairs.
- Interactions with the magnetism community worldwide.
IEEE Magnetics Society
The Vision of the IEEE Magnetics Society is to be the leading international professional organization for magnetism and for related professionals throughout the world. The IEEE Magnetics Society shall be involved with the: "Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the fundamental developments, design, and certain applications of magnetic devices. This includes consideration of materials and components as used therein, standardization of definitions, nomenclature, symbols, and operating characteristics; and exchange of information as by technical papers, conference sessions, and demonstrations."
Dear IEEE Magnetics Society (MagSoc) members,
Please join our Facebook Group: search for "IEEE Magnetics Society (Group)" on Facebook
Please like our Facebook Page: search for "IEEE Magnetics Society" on Facebook
The Publicity Committee has established MagSoc Facebook Group and Page in order to promote interaction among the magnetism community (Facebook Group) and with the general public (Facebook Page). We have uploaded the photos of a few past Intermag conferences and videos of Distinguished Lectures onto the MagSoc Facebook to enrich their contents. The MagSoc Facebook Group provides a casual and relaxing platform for the magnetism community to share information and interact with each other. Every MagSoc member is encouraged to join this Group. Here are some examples of how a member (engineers, academics, students) can use the Group to achieve different purposes:
- Announcement of magnetism events: e.g. conferences, workshops, symposiums, summer schools
- Share important magnetism news, papers and achievements: e.g. news articles, journal publications, outstanding research award, best paper award
- Seeking/Announcement of various opportunities: e.g. PhD opening, postdoc opening, visitorship opening, job opening
- New magnetic products or services
- Form lunch or dinner groups during Intermag conferences and many more!
- The Facebook page can provide an additional means for members to have interaction in a casual way and the members can use it just like any traditional online forums but with way more features and functions on Facebook.
- Hope you will enjoy MagSoc Facebook and find it useful. Feel free to use it. See you on Facebook!
The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and international activities. APS represents over 53,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories, and industry in the United States and throughout the world. Society offices are located in College Park, MD (Headquarters), Ridge, NY, and Washington, D.C.
The American Physical Society strives to:
- Be the leading voice for physics and an authoritative source of physics information for the advancement of physics and the benefit of humanity;
- Provide effective programs in support of the physics community and the conduct of physics;
- Collaborate with national scientific societies for the advancement of science, science education and the science community;
- Cooperate with international physics societies to promote physics, to support physicists worldwide and to foster international collaboration;
- Promote an active, engaged and diverse membership, and support the activities of its units and members.
The United States Materials Research Society (MRS) is a non-profit, professional organization for materials researchers, scientists and engineers. Established in 1973, MRS is a member-driven organization of approximately 14,000 materials researchers from academia, industry and government. Headquartered in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, MRS membership spans over 90 countries, with approximately 48% of MRS members residing outside the United States. MRS members work in all areas of materials science and research, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and engineering. MRS provides a collaborative environment for idea exchange across all disciplines of materials science through its meetings, publications and other programs designed to foster networking and cooperation. The Society’s mission is to promote communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research to improve the quality of life.
The European Materials Research Society, E-MRS, now has more than 4,000 members from industry, government, academia and research laboratories, who meet regularly to debate recent technological developments of functional materials. The E-MRS differs from many single-discipline professional societies by encouraging scientists, engineers and research managers to exchange information on an interdisciplinary platform, and by recognizing professional and technical excellence by promoting awards for achievement from student to senior scientist level. As an adhering body of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS), the E-MRS enjoys and benefits from very close relationships with other Materials Research organizations elsewhere in Europe and around the world.