Weiterführende Informationen
Internationale Vakuum-Gesellschaften
American Vacuum Society (AVS)
The AVS Science and Technology Society is a nonprofit organization which promotes communication, dissemination of knowledge, recommended practices, research, and education in the use of vacuum and other controlled environments to develop new materials, process technology, devices, and related understanding of material properties for the betterment of humanity. The AVS is comprised of 9 technical divisions, 4 technical groups, 19 local-area chapters and about 6000 members worldwide. The Society provides stimulating symposia, short courses, and educational outreach both at the national and local levels.
Belgische Vakuumgemeinschaft
The purpose of BELVAC is to promote the development of vacuum science and technology and contribute to its advancement in Belgium. BELVAC prepares courses on vacuum techniques and applications and publishes the "BELVAC NEWS" four times a year.
Brazilian Vacuum Society
A Sociedade Brasileira de Vácuo (SBV) é uma sociedade civil, de caráter científico e tecnológico, de duração por tempo indeterminado, sem fins lucrativos, com sede e foro no Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" - na Universidade Estadual de Campinas, estado de São Paulo, regida por estatuto. Voltada para a divulgação e troca de informações na área de vácuo, tanto do pontode vista acadêmico como industrial, promovendo cursos, congressos e interações nas mais diversas áreas que fazem uso desta tecnologia. A sociedade possue aproximadamente 250 sócios em várias categorias (honorário, benemérito, mantenedor, coletivo, efetivo e aspirante).
British Vacuum Council
The British Vacuum Council (BVC) is the representative for Great Britain on the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Application (IUVSTA). As such it has a role to stimulate international collaboration in the fields of vacuum science, techniques and applications and related multi-disciplinary topics including solid-vacuum and other interfaces.
Coalition for Plasma Science
Group of institutions, organizations, and companies joining forces to increase awareness and understanding of plasma science and its many applications and benefits for society.
Croatian Vacuum Society
The Croatian Vacuum Society (CVS) is a non-profit corporate body which provides a link between people and institutions interested in Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications. The objectives of the Croatian Vacuum Society are the advancement of vacuum science and techniques in all their aspects, stimulation and support of their application, as well as support and representation of the interests of its members (about seventy physicists, chemists and engineers).
French Vacuum Society SFV
Non-profit scientific organisation running conferences, educational programs, exhibitions and editing books in the fields of vacuum, plasmas, thin films, materials, surfaces, adhesion...
Germany - Deutsche Vakuumgesellschaft (DVG)
Aufgabe der in den sechziger Jahren als Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum gegründeten Deutschen Vakuum-Gesellschaft DVG ist die Betreuung der Forschung und Entwicklung auf den Gebieten Dünne Schichten, Oberflächenphysik, Vakuumphysik und -technik, neuerdings auch der Nanostrukturwissenschaften und -technik. Der DVG gehörten 1998 bereits über 3200 Mitglieder an, zumeist Physiker und Ingenieure aus Forschung und Industrie.
Indian Vacuum Society
IVS to propagate principles and practices of Vacuum Science and Technology to the users in Academic and Research Institutions and Industry across the country.
International Union of Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications
IUVSTA is a Union of national member societies whose role is to stimulate international collaboration in the fields of vacuum science, techniques and applications and related multi-disciplinary topics including solid-vacuum and other interfaces. IUVSTA represents nearly 15,000 physicists, chemists, materials scientists, engineers, and technologists who are linked through their common use of vacuum. They are active in basic and applied research, development, manufacturing, sales, and education.
Israel Vacuum Society
The IVS currently maintains an active mailing list of over 400, and includes 3 separately chartered divisions: crystal growth, hydrides, and plasma. Members of the society work in a wide range of fields including nanotechnology, optoelectronics, low-k dielectrics, hard coatings, thin films, self assembly, sensors, bio-interfaces, electronic materials, MEMS, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes, and surface dynamics.
Italy - Associazione Italiana del Vuoto
The AIV is a non-profit, volunteer-based association dedicated to advancing the science and technology of vacuum, surfaces, interfaces, nanometer structures, electronic materials and processing, thin films, plasmas, and vacuum metallurgy and providing a variety of educational opportunities. The members of the AIV are active in fundamental and applied research, manufacturing, sales, and education. The AIV is organized into 8 technical divisions and is member of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications (IUVSTA).
Korean Vacuum Society
The Korean Vacuum Society, established in 1991 and a member society of IUVSTA, is a nonprofit organization which promotes communication, dissemination of knowledge, recommended practices, research, and education in the use of vacuum and other controlled environments to develop new materials, process technology, devices, and related understanding of material properties for the betterment of humanity. The KVS is comprised of 6 technical divisions and about 2000 members nationwide.
Netherlands Vacuum Society
The Netherlands Vacuum Society (NEVAC), founded in 1963, promotes the exchange of knowledge in vacuum technology and areas which rely on the application of vacuum, by organizing scientific meetings, excursions and educational courses. NEVAC counts about 300 scientists, technicians and commercial representatives, and 30 corporate members.
Russian Vacuum Society
The RVS includes more than 2000 individual members and collective members. The main goal of the association is the support of perspective scientific directions, progress of fundamental researches in the field of vacuum science, propagation and distribution of scientific and technical knowledges.
Schweizerische Vakuumgesellschaft
Die Gesellschaft hat als Hauptziel, die Wissenschaft und Technik des Vakuums und dessen Anwendungen zu fördern und weiterzuentwickeln. Kenntnisse und Technologien, welche die Herstellung und Messung des Vakuums, sowie die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Anwendungen des Vakuum betreffen werden aktiv gefördert, dazu gehören Oberflächenbehandlung, sowie Oberflächen-Analysetechniken.
Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique DVTS
Established in 1959 and included in the Electrotechnical union of Slovenia (EZS) and in the Union of engineers and technicians of Slovenia (ZITS).
Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de Superficies y de Vacío
Mission: To provide with discussion forums for the technological and scientific problems relevant to the emerging Mexican industry in the field of surface and material science
Spanish Vacuum Society - Asociación Española del Vacío y sus Aplicaciones
The Spanish Vacuum Society was created in 1963 as a specialised working group of the Spanish Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and eventually it became an independent society "Asociación Española del Vacío y sus Aplicaciones" (ASEVA) in 1968. Activities were focused on the Vacuum Physics group at the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Research Council, CSIC.
Swedish Society of Vacuum Science
Vacuum Society of Australia
The Vacuum Society of Australia is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the science and technology of vacuum, materials, surfaces, interfaces, thin films, and plasmas, and to providing a variety of educational opportunities.
Vacuum Society of Japan (VSJ)
VSJ is a member of IUVSTA, the International Union for Vacuum Society, Technique, and Applications.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vakuumtechnik
Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vakuumtechnik bezweckt den Zusammenschluß der auf den Gebieten der Vakuumerzeugung, -messung und -anwendung sowie der Physik, Chemie und Technologie dünner Schichten unter Einbeziehung der Grenz- und Oberflächen interessierten Personen, Institute und Unternehmungen zur Förderung der Forschung und Entwicklung auf den genannten Gebieten, insbesondere durch Herausgabe von Informationen, Publikationen, Erteilung von Forschungsaufträgen, Veranstaltung von Vorträgen und Arbeitstagungen, Durchführung von Erfahrungsaustausch und Fortbildungskursen.