Kick-Off Meeting

To celebrate the founding of AGyouLeaP and to launch first networking activities, we are organising a

Kick-Off Meeting at 5 & 6 October 2020 at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.

At the meeting, we will present the concept and planned activities of the AGyouLeaP. In addition, there will be time for discussions on the challenges and possibilities of being a young group leader.  A panel discussion and Break-Out sessions complement the active part of the program. Of course, we also plan to have long breaks for networking and discussions. The evening starts with a popular science talk on Quantum Technologies, which is the starting point of our Webinar series "Quantum Dinner“ and ends with dinner and discussions. You can download the programme here.

We invite all members of the AGyouLeaP to participate in the meeting. The meeting is free of charge, i.e., we offer meals and accomendation, while travel is not included. You can register for the meeting here.
