© DPG / 2023


Physics is great and fun! That's why we organize exciting events for everyone interested in physics. We, the jDPG Regional Group Göttingen, are a group of motivated physics students who would love to share our enthusiasm for physics with you. Our events are aimed at both students and the general public. We are also always looking for new collaborators. If we have sparked your interest or if you have any questions, get in touch with us or learn more about us here!


Schlag den Prof 2024

Die neuste Auflage von Schlag den Prof wird am 26. Juni 2024 um 18:15 Uhr im HS1 der Physik stattfinden. Auch dieses Jahr wird die Physik gegen die Chemie antreten und sich Teams aus Studierenden und Profs aus beiden Fachbereichen messen. Die Spiele sind sehr weitreichend und decken Themen aus Physik und Chemie ab. Dabei ist aber kein tiefe Fachkenntnis von Nöten. Es geht um den Spaß!

Wenn du dieses Jahr nicht nur aus dem Publikum mitfiebern, sondern ganz vorne als Teil eines der vierköpfigen Teams dabei sein möchtest, melde dich kurz über das Kontaktformular bei uns.




On December 5, 2023, the jDPG is hosting the event "Reingezoont- Bachelorarbeit" Following the official bachelor's thesis fair, the focus will be on four students who have recently gained experience in the topic of bachelor's theses, sharing their experiences and insights with you. They will talk about the writing process, laboratory work, and teamwork within their subject group, giving you an insight into what awaits you. Various fields are covered, ranging from theoretical physics and biophysics to solid-state physics, so there should be something for everyone. This is especially suitable for students who aim to write their bachelor's thesis in the next two semesters. We look forward to seeing you!


 Start of a new semester!!!

The new semester has begun and holds many exciting events in store for you. There will be new editions of our most popular formats and many new additions. Stay tuned! Of course, a lot of organization is needed in advance for these events to take place. This always works out very well, and we are happy to have additional support. We always have a lot of fun when we sit down together to develop new ideas. Everyone can contribute as much as their time allows. If there are exams scheduled, you take a short break. That's how we do it! If you are interested in participating in great events, feel free to come to our meetings every other Tuesday at 6:15 pm. You can find out exactly when such a meeting takes place here on the website. Or feel free to email us with any questions or interest at

We look forward to seeing you!!!

Schlag den Prof 2023

This year, after a long hiatus due to the pandemic, the big game show "Beat the Prof" is back! Join us as the two four-member teams from the field of physics compete against the two teams from chemistry in thrilling games. The event will take place on June 28, 2023, at 6:15 PM in Lecture Hall 1 (HS1) of the Physics department.

If you don't want to just cheer from the audience this year but be right up front as part of one of the teams, sign up through the contact form.

Beer and Pretzels 2023: Astrophysics of Exoplanets

On Monday, June 19, 2023, we will have a new edition of one of our most popular formats. Dr. Heller from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research will give an exciting talk about his research at 6:15 PM in Lecture Hall 4 (HS4). The focus will be on exoplanets and the PLATO mission. This event is the perfect and unique opportunity to learn fascinating things about astrophysics research while enjoying a relaxed atmosphere with beer and pretzels, taking a break from the everyday university stress.

Everyone is invited to join us at 6:15 PM on Monday, June 19, 2023, in Lecture Hall 4 (HS4). We look forward to seeing you!

Science Slam

The Science Slam is back, and we are excited for engaging presentations from various scientific disciplines. Whether it's your own research, a bachelor's or master's thesis, if you're interested in sharing your enthusiasm and presenting your work in a casual setting, sign up and send a short email to [email protected].

As usual, the goal is to present the content of your research in an understandable and engaging manner in about 10 minutes, preferably with a touch of humor. In the end, the audience will decide the winner of the Slam. No prior experience in "slamming" is required; it's all about having fun and trying something new.