Statement of the DPG Executive Board

Statement of the DPG Executive Board on the current situation in the Middle East

The German Physical Society, DPG, having many scientific ties to the Middle East is aware of the difficult and interwoven situation in particular in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. However, we are absolutely clear that nothing justifies the barbaric recent terroristic attack of Hamas on Israel which the DPG condemns wholeheartedly. We strongly appeal to all parties involved to take any effort to spare the lives of civilians and not to relent in their efforts to create sustainable peace.

Given the eminent role of science in contributing to the resumption of the relations between Israel and Germany after the Second World War, the DPG will not let itself be dissuaded from the firm belief that science bridges cultures and that science has an obligation to contribute whatever is possible to break any spiral of violence. International scientific centres such as CERN and SESAME, where research and innovation are carried out in a completely non-political and mutually respectful manner, are outstanding examples.