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Die Zukunft unseres Klimas: Komplexe Herausforderungen von der Physik bis in die Gesellschaft

The climate symposium at Magnus-Haus Berlin will examine the topic from the perspectives of physics, economics, psychology and communication.

As evident as progressive climate change and its anthropogenic causes are, the concepts for effectively countering climate change at various levels are complex, i.e. multi-layered, interwoven and intertwined:

- At the level of physics and meteorology, the aim is to further improve the predictive power of climate models and simulations, and long-term risk assessments based on them, in the future.

- Physics continues to be indispensable in the implementation of an energy transformation and all its multifaceted challenges, from the thermodynamic fundamentals and new technologies to intelligent electrical networks and storage systems.

- The relevant subfields of economics, which deal with complex questions and scenarios of economic and financial policy management of an energy transition, with a view to resources and sustainability, have a decisive key role to play.

- Another indispensable level is formed by the relevant communities of psychology, social and political sciences, as well as climate communication on issues relating to the social implementation of a climate transition.

Complexity is a common feature that comes to light in different ways and is increased by the fact that the different disciplines, from the physical framework to economic and social science perspectives on action, are closely intertwined. The symposium aims to take this into account by networking the relevant scientific communities, which often meet separately but are united by the will to face up to the challenges of climate change. The symposium is also intended to serve as a scientific compass for decision-makers and to focus on the more distant future.