Questions and Answers

Do you have questions about your membership? Do you want to change your personal data or assign yourself to an association? Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers. Our Membership Administration and Services will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

What is the DPG Statute and Code of Conduct for Members?

By joining the DPG as a member, one recognises the statutes and the code of conduct for members. The statutes describe the basic corporate purpose and the composition and tasks of the association bodies. In addition, the parameters for membership in the DPG are defined. In addition to the statutes, the code of conduct describes the ethical minimum standards and the procedural rules for dealing with scientific misconduct. In addition, there are also the implementing provisions for the statutes.

How can I change my personal data?

Are you already a DPG member and would like to view or change your personal data or group yourself into a different contribution group? Then please use the change form under "My DPG".

What are the payment methods for paying the membership fees?

The membership fee can be paid by the following payment methods:

  • by SEPA direct debit
    Please enter your bank details under "My DPG"
  • by bank transfer
    The bank details for transferring the membership fee can be found on your membership fee request form.
  • by credit card
    For payment by credit card, you will find a personalised link under ""My DPG" for payment of your membership fee.

What is the Physics Journal?

The membership includes the subscription of the monthly DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal). The journal informs with overview papers about progress and new developments in physics and its neighbouring fields. In addition, it reports on important events and decisions within the DPG, as well as on education and research policy topics and training and career issues. It is politically and editorially independent (cf. "Rules of Procedure for the Objectives, Tasks and Publication of the Physik Journal", issue 8/9 of the Physik Journal and DPG website). The journal has a total of eleven issues per year, since a double issue is printed for the period August-September, which is published at the beginning of September.

Will the Physik Journal also be sent abroad?

The issues of Physik Journal are also sent abroad free of charge. A time delay in delivery is possible. A faster delivery is possible by using the option "airmail" (32.00 € per year). This option can be added using the change form under "My DPG".

Can the Physik Journal be read online?

The Physik Journal can also be read online via the websites of the Physik Journal. It is possible to read the Physik Journal in form of an online catalogue. When you register for the first time, you first have to register as a user on the website of Physik Journal ( and verify your DPG membership number. Then you have to choose your own password. For the verification you need the data on your membership card. All articles of Physik Journal older than three years are available free of charge and freely accessible. For later registrations, the user name corresponds to the e-mail address.

Will the Physik Journal also be published in English?

No, the Physics Journal is currently only published in German.

How can I unsubscribe from the Physik Journal?

The Physics Journal can be unsubscribed via "My DPG" or by sending a short e-mail to the DPG Membership Administration and Services.

What are divisions, working groups with a vote in council and working groups without a vote in council?

The members of the DPG can organise themselves into professional, interdisciplinary and regional associations. If you are assigned to an association, you will primarily receive subject-specific information (e.g. about DPG conferences, event tips). It is up to you to decide to what extent you wish to be involved. Each division and each working group has a chairperson who is automatically also a member of the council with voting rights - this gives you the opportunity to help shape the DPG. Would you also like to be part of a division, a working group with a vote in council or a working group without a vote in council? You can easily and at any time change the grouping using our change form under "My DPG". more...

How can I terminate my DPG membership?

According to § 9 (3) of the DPG Statutes, membership can be terminated by resignation at the end of a calendar year, provided that the office has received the resignation by 30 November of the calendar year at the latest. Notice of termination must be given in writing. There are the following possibilities:

  • by post: German Physical Society e. V., Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
  • by fax: 02224 9232-50
  • by e-mail:
  • by online cancellation form

After receiving the notice of termination, an electronic or written confirmation will be sent with details of the termination date. If this is not received within one week, please inform us briefly.