Apply for new membership

I apply for admission to the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. as a

After filling out and sending the online form, you will receive our confirmation of admission by mail and by e-mail within one week. You will receive the DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal) monthly starting with the next issue.

The red dot marks required fields.

Personal dataInsitutional/corporate data

Please enter your personalthe institutional/corporate details here. YourThe data will only be used for the purpose of yourthe membership and only with your consent for other purposes. You will find detailed information in the DPG's data protection declaration.

Please do not enter a P.O. Box address here, but the address to which we may send you the DPG member journal as well as all internal association documents, such as membership card and and fee request.

Please enter an e-mail address and a telephone number so that we can reach you if you have any questions or require information about your membership of the DPG.

Further personal information

The DPG uses this information for statistical purposes. The information helps to provide you with relevant information on activities and events from the DPG on request.

Assignment to DPG associations

As a DPG member you can assign yourself to two divisions as well as to two working groups and actively participate in shaping your DPG within these associations. In your selection you are entitled to vote in the first DPG division and working group. You can change your selection at any time.


Working groups

Membership fee

Please assign yourself to the correct contribution group according to the explanations on membership fees. ⇒ Explanation of the membership fees

Double membership

Free one-year membership for Bachelor graduates

Retired members

Partner tariff

I am a partner of a DPG member of contribution group B, C or S and would like to register at the reduced partner tariff. I am aware that my partner and I will then only receive one issue of the DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal). I have previously obtained my partner's consent.

Payment method

You will receive further information about your credit card payment with the next contribution request.

I hereby revocably authorize the DPG to collect the membership fees from the following account:

Purchase of offers for DPG members

The purchase of DPG offers is free of charge for members and can be changed at any time using "My DPG". If you register for the Physik Journal Newsletter you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link. Only with your consent the newsletter registration becomes effective. The other subscription offers do not require any further approval from you. In addition to the listed subscriptions, there are also other project-related offers for which you can subscribe and unsubscribe on the respective websites.


For internal operation the DPG stores your data. Processing will only be carried out for the purposes specified in the DPG statutes.