RG Kaiserslautern: ONLINE Physikerin im Beruf bei IBM

Die Regionalgruppe Kaiserslautern präsentiert den nächsten Vortrag der beliebten Reihe „PhysikerIn im Beruf“: Dr. Heike Riel, IBM Fellow und Leiterin der Abteilung Science and Technology bei IBM Research Europe, erzählt über Ihren Werdegang als Physikerin.

Online seminar
Tu, 03.11.2020 17:00  –   Tu, 03.11.2020 18:00
Dr. Heike Riel, IBM
Meeting ID: 759 517 5986
Passwort: PiB#KL
Keine Anmeldung nötig.
Event partner:
IBM Research Europe
Contact person:
Marco Decker, , 015122929338
DPG Association:
Regional Group Kaiserslautern  Working Group "Young DPG" (jDPG)  


Heike Riel has made seminal contributions to the science and technology of nanoscale electronics and the promise it holds for applications in IT, medicine and consumer goods, among other areas. Her breakthrough achievements include advances in semiconducting nanowires for devices beyond conventional Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors (CMOS), in molecular electronics for future nanoscale switches and memory applications, and in organic light-emitting diodes as a disruptive display technology. Her distinguished work, worldwide scientific impact and technical leadership have significantly advanced IBM’s reputation as a leader in nanotechnology. Riel will serve as technology ambassador to South Africa.