Quantum2025 – Shaping the Future with Science and Technology

The formulation of quantum mechanics in 1925 has laid a lasting foundation for our physical understanding of nature.

website of the quantum year: www.quantum2025.de

It came to stretch our imagination, since fundamental concepts such

Lettering Quantum2025, above the number 2025 with a Q as zero
Lettering Quantum2025, above the number 2025 with a Q as zero
as the superposition of states of matter contradict our everyday experience. At the same time, it has expanded our knowledge about our material environment to such an extent that our society continues to acquire novel technical capabilities till today. Quantum technologies that have emerged from the beginning have not only changed our daily lives, they have also become pillars of our prosperity.

Quantum theory has fundamentally changed our view of the world and is having an impact on all areas of our culture, science, technology, and art.

Enough reason for the German Physical Society (DPG), together with its sister societies and scientific institutions all over the world, to shed light on the role of quantum physics in the light of its results, its future options and its origin in all its facets after one hundred years of a success story in the year 2025. This will be achieved through a comprehensive programme entitled "Quantum2025 – 100 years is just the beginning...".

What are the plans by DPG?

We are developing a comprehensive program for 2025 along the following thematic lines:

I. Quanta in Science and Quantum Technologies

Quantum technologies are enabling completely new applications in secure data communication (e. g. quantum kryptography) , sensor technology, metrology and simulation, and at the same time open up new questions for research. We will have a look inside the quantum labs and show what quantum researchers are currently working on and what stimulates their interests.

II. Playful Quantum Science/ Quantum Science in Schools

Quantum physics is an important topic in schools, because it has had a lasting impact on our view of modern physics. For teaching, modern quantum science and technologies can provide further momentum to strengthen public insight and broad education in the natural sciences in general.

III. Quanta in Music, Philosophy, Art and Literature

Fundamental concepts of quantum theory are a challenge to philosophical interpretations of quantum theory even today, and they also challenge art, literature, and music to deal with its irritating aspects. We plan to make the variety of expressions of the phenomenon 'quantum' tangible through exhibitions, concerts, theater and readings. 

IV. Quanta in the Professional world / Career / Society

Quantum technology not only promises further developments of already known methods and processes, it also raises expectations of revolutionary changes: Quantum computing is supposed to solve complex problems that conventional computers fail at; quantum networks lend physical rather than algorithmic security to the architecture of our IT world. What should we prepare for as a society? What consequences will companies and public institutions, employ-ees and decision-makers have to bear?

V. The Path to the Modern Quantum World and beyond

A theory like quantum mechanics does not just come to mind on e. g. a simple trip for curing diseases. Rather, it was a long road that led from insight about the limitations of classical mechanics at microscopic, atomic scales to establishing this novel theory. It was stimulated by experiments that showed surprising quantum properties of nature and proceeded hand in hand with intense analysis and discussion by physicists at different intellectual centers of physical research on more adequate mathematical concepts. Cooperation and exchange were central to the success of a long development of theories and applications in quantum physics. But is it really different today?

What is the status quo like?

Program is in the planning phase
There are currently around 25 project proposals for the thematic lines mentioned, such as lectures, exhibitions, training courses or experiments for schools. These are partly initiated by members of the DPG and partly by external cooperation partners such as the PTB. In addition, the DPG is planning an extensive overarching program as part of the DPG Spring Conference and the DPG Autumn Conference. The year will be framed by an opening and closing ceremony.

First project started
The "QuanTour" project, which was launched on 14 April 2024 on World Quantum Day with a kick-off event in Berlin (hybrid), will get people in the mood for the anniversary year in 2024.
> Press release

New website launched
The website www.quantum2025.de is now launched and will be constantly updated. This will bundle all activities and events in a calendar and offers the possibility of registering further events

Join us:
You have your own idea to extend the programme? Or you want to label your existing event as an Quantum2025 event? Please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Logo der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung
Logo der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung

Numerous activities in the anniversary year are made possible by the generous support of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.

What is the essence of the scientific quantum revolution of 1925 in 2025?

According to many experts, today, 100 years after the formulation of quantum mechanics, we are witnessing the threshold of the second quantum revolution. We can increasingly control individual atoms, electrons, molecules and light quanta in the laboratory, design quantum bits and composite systems with unforeseeable economic consequences: Quantum computing, communication, sensing, metrology, and simulation are on their way out of the lab and into the real world, and they are expected to fundamentally change our world yet another time.

Quantum mechanics has not only fundamentally changed our lives and our understanding of nature, it is also a cornerstone of our prosperity and, beyond that, of enormous practical importance: For example, almost all technologies of the IT revolution, perhaps the most important driving force of our economy, from magnetic storage to chip technologies to optical signal transmission, are based on quantum mechanically governed functional devices.

What happened in 1925?
If the surprising proposals of Max Planck (quantum of action), Albert Einstein (light quanta) and Niels Bohr (atomic model with quantum leaps) had made the necessity of a reformulation of classical mechanics more and more urgent, Werner Heisenberg in 1925 - in a lively exchange with Wolfgang Pauli - found the breakthrough approach from which a quantum me-chanics could be developed. Together with Max Born and Pascual Jordan, they succeeded in developing a consistent and applicable theory in Göttingen in a very short time. They were immediately joined by the equivalent versions by Paul Dirac (Cambridge) and Erwin Schrö-dinger (Zurich). Quantum mechanics is now the experimentally most precisely tested theory not only in physics but in science altogether.

UNESCO international Year: „Quantum2025“ / „Quanten2025“

Logo des Internationalen Jahrs der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien
Logo des Internationalen Jahrs der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien
Together with partners in Germany and abroad, the DPG has pursued the initiative of having the UN proclaim an international year of quantum physics, analogous to such successful science years as the "Year of Light". This initiative is supported by renowned international organizations such as IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) or the Metre Convention.

⇒ Website of the international Year