Program of 2021
15.03.21 - Light from Silicon
Erik Bakkers (Eindhoven University of Technology)
16.03.21 - Semiconductor nanolasers
Jesper Mørk (Technical University of Denmark)
17.03.21 - 2D van-der-Waals materials: phonons and excitons
Janina Maultzsch (FAU Erlangen Nürnberg)
18.03.21 - Fighting germs with deep UV LEDs
Michael Kneissl (TU Berlin)
19.03.21 - Brain-inspired computing with resistive memory
Irem Boybat (IBM Research Europe)
22.03.21 - Buckling induced flat bands: giant nanoscale periodic strain
Francois Peeters (University of Antwerp)
23.03.21 - NIR and MIR Lasers and their use in sensing applications
Johannes Koeth (nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH)
24.03.21 - Quantum Fluids of Interacting Photons
Daniele Sanvitto (CNR Nanotec - Lecce)
25.03.21 - Collective phenomena in a QD nuclear spin ensemble
Claire LeGall (University of Cambridge)
26.03.21 - A quantum dot in a tunable microcavity as a fast and bright source of coherent single photons
Richard Warburton (University of Basel)