Niels Gregersen - DTU Fotonik

Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q)

Position Professor
Address DTU Electro
Technical University of Denmark
Research Quantum Photonics, Light-Matter Interaction, Nano-Optics, Single-Photon Sources, Quantum Dots
Weblinks Group-Website 
Divisions Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q)

© Henrik Frydkjær

Research Agenda: I work in within the overall topic of light-matter interaction in semiconductor micro- and nanostructures. Within recent years, my focus has shifted towards engineering of deterministic quantum-dot-based sources of quantum light (single photons and entangled photon pairs) for applications in optical quantum information processing. I am a theoretician with extensive experience in device design and numerical simulations, and I have for many years worked in close collaboration with leading experimental groups in France, Germany and China. However, recent funding has allowed me to also launch an experimental activity with in-house fabrication and optical characterization of the light sources. We will see how it goes when you let a theoretician loose in the lab. :-)

Short Bio: After graduating as a MSc in 2002, I worked for 1½ years as a research scientist in a private company producing VCSELs. I then returned to academia to pursue my PhD studies (2003-2006) at the Technical University of Denmark, and I stayed ever since, as a postdoc/assistant/associate professor and now as professor. I am the group leader of the Quantum Light Sources group in the Nanophotonics section of DTU Electro, where I teach courses on nano-optics and quantum optics. I am presently PI of the ERC Consolidator project "UNITY", coordinator of the Marie Curie ITN project "QUDOT-TECH" and partner in the Horizon Europe "EPIQUE" project.