Felix Huber - Jagiellonian University Krakow

Quanteninformation (QI)

Position Group Leader
Address Jagiellonian University Krakow
Research multipartite entanglement, quantum error correction, invariant theory, noncommutative optimization, many-body physics
Weblinks Group Website
Publication List
Divisions Quanteninformation (QI)


© Felix Huber

Research Agenda: Our group chiefly focuses on the interplay between quantum error correction with entanglement, many-body systems, mathematical physics, and non-commutative algebra. We develop experimentally feasible implementations of quantum codes and study theoretical bounds on quantum error correction. Furthermore, we work on novel methods for entanglement detection, for example through non-linear and dimension-free entanglement witnesses. In mathematical physics and non-commutative optimization, we develop symmetry-reduced semidefinite programming hierarchies for invariant problems, such as for the spectral quantum marginal problem.

Short Bio:
Felix Huber received a M.S. degree in physics from ETH Zürich, Switzerland, in 2012, and a Ph.D. degree in theoretical quantum optics from the Universität Siegen, Germany, in 2017. In 2018 he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Universität zu Köln, Germany, and from 2018 to 2020 he was a Research Fellow at ICFO Barcelona, Spain. Since 2021 he is an Adiunkt at the Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Kraków, Poland. His research interests include quantum error correction, multipartite entanglement, and invariant theory. He is recipient of the 2019 Dissertation Prize by the section AMOP of the German Physical Society.