Carsten Schuck - University of Münster
Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q)
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Research Agenda: The vision of our research is centered around a versatile quantum technology platform on silicon chips that allows for realizing applications in quantum communication, quantum information processing and quantum sensing. We pursue this goal by leveraging modern nanofabrication capabilities for integrating quantum emitters and superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPD) with reconfigurable nanophotonic circuits that combine active, passive and nonlinear functionalities. Ongoing projects are concerned with optimizing interfaces between solid-state quantum emitters and dielectric waveguides, the large-scale integration and optimization of SNSPDs, as well as inverse design of nanophotonic devices using machine learning techniques.
Short Bio: I studied Physics in Hamburg, Uppsala and Munich, where I did my Diploma thesis work in quantum optics with Prof. H. Weinfurter at the Chair of Ted Hänsch. In 2010, I received a PhD in Applied Physics for setting up a small ion trap quantum network in the team of Prof. J. Eschner. at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona (Spain). I then switched gears and started working on nanophotonics and superconducting nanodevices with Prof. H. Tang at Yale University (USA) as a DFG-funded postdoctoral fellow until 2014. After a brief stay with Prof. W. Coene at ASML Research (Netherlands), I was awarded an €1.25 Bio. NRW-Rückkehrprogramm in 2016 for setting up my Integrated Quantum Technology Group at the University of Münster. We are further involved in the BMBF-projects QuPAD and MiReQu and I coordinate the €3.75 Mio. SURQUID consortium (FET-OPEN), investigating quantum Lidar solutions. In 2020, I co-founded the start-up Pixel Photonics, supported by the BMWi's Exist program.