Here you get an overview of the programme of PLANCKS 2022.
Programme Overview
The competition itself and the prize ceremony are of course an obligatory part of the programme of PLANCKS 2022. But beyond that, there will be definitely more than enough occasions for you to get to know the scientific landscape of Munich, to listen to captivating speakers, to network with other participants from all over the world and to savour the cultural and culinary offer of the Bavarian metropolis:

Please note the following remarks to the programme overview:
- All times are given in local time (UTC+2).
- Fields coloured with dark blue belong to the actual competition.
- Fields coloured with light blue are DPG actvities.
- Fields coloured with red denote IAPS activities.
- The activities labeled with * are part of the optional day.
- Costs connected to optional activities displayed in green have to be defrayed by all participants themselves.
Online Programme
Since PLANCKS will be a hybrid event, participants are able to join the event online. Of course, the schedule for people making use of this possibility is slightly different:

Please regard the following details concerning the agenda items in the online programme:
- The the Problem Panel and the Prize & Closing Ceremony will be streamed via Zoom. The Competition itself will take place under the supervision of a local contact person. That person will also undertake the Briefing of the participants before and will clarify the rules. You can find details on the Competition Site.
- The Welcome Plenary and the Guest Lectures will be streamed as well.
- The offered workshops on Friday are prepared to be hybrid, i.e. online participants will be able to join and interact with the others via Zoom.
- The Labtours will be offered in a virtual way to online participants.
- There will be a separate online Evening Programme including a scavenger hunt, a pub quiz and an escape room as it is barely possible to include online participants in the evening activities in Munich.
- While the participants in Munich do the City Rallye and explore the city, the ones joining remotely will get to know the German cuisine participating in the German Cooking.
- Of course, the Optional Day in Munich won't be available for online participants.
The actual competition is of course the most crucial point of our programme as this is the moment when the participating teams give proof of their abilities. It will take place on Saturday morning. Read about what awaits you there on the competition page:
Guest Speakers
To show you how diverse the physical research in Munich is, we have invited some interesting guest speakers from the city. They will report about physics topics like astrophysics, plasma physics and quantum technology. On the following page, we introduce our guest speakers:
On the following page you will find information about the wokshops on friday and the observer workshops
On the following sub-page, you can read about the excursion destinations on Friday:
City Rallye
While the the PLANCKS jury will be meticulously correcting your solutions, you will explore the city of München. The City Rallye will lead you to important and interesting places connected to culture and science in the Bavarian capital. You will learn, how suitable Munich is as a place to study physics.
Optional Day
With the Optional Day, we want to give you the chance to stay a bit longer in Munich and get to know the city still a bit better. It will especially contain a common visit of the Deutsche Museum in Munich. For participating in the Optional Day, you will have to spend all together around 50 €.