Willkommen bei der jDPG-Regionalgruppe KonstanzWebseite der jDPG-Regionalgruppe Konstanzhttps://www.dpg-physik.de/vereinigungen/fachuebergreifend/ak/akjdpg/regional/rg-konstanzhttps://www.dpg-physik.de/vereinigungen/fachuebergreifend/ak/akjdpg/regional/rg-konstanz/konstanz-1/@@download/image/Gruppenfoto_20182test.jpg
Since October 2007 the jDPG regional group Constance/Lake of Constance exists here in Constance. In the meantime, we are a group of 7 active members from different semesters who are committed to organize interesting talks and activities for young physicists at the university. Have a look at our activities under events.
If you also want to participate actively, contact us or just come to our events or regulars' tables. For further questions write a mail to