DPG (Spring) Meetings 2022

The course of the Corona pandemic continued to affect the organisation of the DPG (Spring) Meetings: face-to-face meetings could not be reliably planned for the spring and in large parts the implementation would not have been possible or only possible to a very limited extent on the basis of the Corona regulations valid at that time.

With regret, the DPG committees had decided to transfer the conferences to online formats or to postpone them until late summer.


Video recordings of selected lectures of the DPG (Spring) Meetings 2022 can be found on the DPG YouTube channel.


85. Annual Meeting of DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)
virtual, 14.03. - 18.03.2022

  • Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)
    • Atomic Physics
    • Short Time-scale Physics and Applied Laser Physics
    • Mass Spectrometry
    • Molecular Physics
    • Quantum Optics and Photonics
  • Working Group on Energy
  • Working Group "Young DPG"
  • Working Group on Information
  • Working Group on Physics and Disarmament

DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK)
virtual, 21.03. - 25.03.2022

  • Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK)
    • Extraterrestrial Physics
    • Gravitation and Relativity
    • Radiation and Medical Physics
    • Particle Physics
    • Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
  • Physics Education
  • History of Physics
  • Working Group on Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence
  • Working Group on Philosophy of Physics

DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting)
virtual, 28.03. - 01.04.2022

  • Hadronic and Nuclear Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Working Group on Accelerator Physics

DPG-Tagung (DPG Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM)
Regensburg, 06.03. - 11.03.2022

  • Condensed Matter Section (SKM)
    • Biological Physics
    • Chemical and Polymer Physics
    • Thin Films
    • Dynamics and Statistical Physics
    • Semiconductor Physics
    • Crystalline Solids and their Microstructur
    • Magnetism
    • Metal and Material Physics
    • Surface Science
    • Physics of Socio-economic Systems
    • Low Temperature Physics
    • Vacuum Science and Technology
  • Quantum Information
  • Working Group on Equal Opportunities
  • Working Group "Young DPG"
  • Working Group Young Leaders in Physics

*The Environmental Physics Division met in Leipzig in 2022 together with the D-A-CH Meteorology Conference.