Zusatzinformationen zum Physikkonkret 58 (Nukleare Abrüstung)
Quellen und weiterführende Informationen
- DPG-Arbeitsgruppe Physik und Abrüstung
- The Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction, sponsored by APS
- Deep Cuts Commission
- Federation of American Scientists
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
- Nuclear Darkness
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- International Partnership for Disarmament Verification
- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)
- Initiative Atomkrieg aus Versehen
- Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft und Abrüstung
- Toon, O. B.; R. P. Turco; et al. (2007). Atmospheric effects and societal consequences of regional scale nuclear conflicts and acts of individual nuclear terrorism. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss, 7, S. 1973 - 2002.
- Kütt, M.; Mian, Z.; P. Podvig. (2019) Global stocks and production of fissile materials. Sipri Yearbook 2020, S. 386ff.
- Glaser, A.; Barak, B.; Goldston, R. A. (2014) A zero-knowledge protocol for nuclear warhead verification. Nature 510, 497 - 502.
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